Industrial Building Solutions eBook



— HVAC Control

Chilled water system

Hot water system

Water management system

In medium and large size buildings chilled water system is probably act as a single source of cooling energy. Chilled water system typically have a chiller or set of chillers, in which water is cooled to a temperature from 44.6 To 48.2 °F (7–9 °c) and then circulated by means of pipes. The chilled water system may consist of chillers, primary and secondary pumps, heat exchangers, condenser pumps, cooling tower, pump starters, sensors, valves, actuators and controllers. Ddc controller can be programmed with various chilled water control loops such as on/off control, temperature control, pressure control, staging control, sequencing control, equipment scheduling etc.

Hot water is an essential building service used for thermal comfort, washing, cleaning, cooking, heating etc. Hot-water systems typically have a central boiler, in which water is heated to a temperature from 140 to 180 °f (60–83 °c), and then circulated by means of pipes. Hot water system may consist of boiler, hot water pump, heat exchanger, supply and exhaust fan, fuel tank, pump and fan starters, sensors, valve, actuator and controllers. Ddc controller can be programmed with various hot water control loops such as on/off control, temperature control, pressure control, staging control, sequencing control, equipment scheduling etc.

Water management system in building includes potable water system, grey water system, irrigation water system and firefighting water system. Water management system may consist of water pumps, pumps starters, water tanks, sensors, valve, actuator and programmable controllers. Ddc controller can be programmed with various water management system control loops such as on/off control, level control, pressure control, staging control, equipment scheduling etc.

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