Mission to Zero™ Building Solutions eBook



— Power Distribution Energy Storage

Energy Storage Solutions (ESS)

A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), is the industry’s generic reference name for a collection of equipment that comprise a system to store energy in batteries and use the energy later when it is advantageous.

A typical system is comprised of batteries, a battery management system, an inverter, switchgear, transformer, protection and a control system.

Often renewable energy sources are combined with a BESS to store the renewable energy during peak production time and then the energy is used when it is needed.

ABB’s ESS product line is based on the eStorage product portfolio, which is comprised of eStorage Flex, eStorage Max and eStorage OS.

eStorage Flex Productized and scalable energy storage supplied as a fully integrated solution

eStorage Max Productized and scalable energy storage supplied as skidded grid connection equipment and fully integrated batteries

eStorage OS Standard or highly customizable Energy Management System

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